Time Capsule


I consider a time capsule to be a box or tube. Some people in 1957 thought a great time capsule would be a 1957 Plymouth Belvedere, so they filled it with souvenirs of the time period and buried in a concrete vault. When the time capsule is opened in 2007, the person or his heirs who most accurately guessed Tulsa, Oklahoma’s 2007 population will win the capsule and a bank account that is now worth approximately $1200. … If the account can be found, that is.

"The 1957 Belvedere is underground next to the Tulsa County Courthouse. Also buried with it were five gallons of gas and a case of beer.

"Old news reports indicate the gas was buried in case internal combustion engines became obsolete by 2007 and no fuel was available. Other buried items include the contents of a woman’s purse: 14 bobby pins, a lipstick, a pack of gum, tissues, a pack of cigarettes and matches and $2.43.

"There was also an unpaid parking ticket, a bottle of tranquilizers and a spool of microfilm, which records the entries of a contest held to determine the winner of the car. The person to guess Tulsa’s population in 2007 or the heirs of that person were to win the car and a $100 savings account.

"Assuming an average annual interest of 5 percent compounded quarterly, such an account would be worth almost $1,200 today, if the account could be found.

"The account was set up at a savings and loan that was taken over by Sooner Federal, which was liquidated during the savings and loan bust of the early 1990s. The committee has been trying to find the account, so far without success."


It’s interesting that the capsule’s creators thought that gas might no longer be available in 2007. The way things are going these days with laws created by Big Nanny and legions of agitated activists lobbying Big Nanny for more legislation, my guess would be that the product in the capsule most likely to be obsolete in two years would be the cigarettes.

20 thoughts on “Time Capsule”

  1. I know we should not be attached to earthly, created things.
    But the Belvedere is a work of art.
    I have never cared that much what kind of car I drive, as long as it serves my needs. But if someone were to give me a 1960 Impala, I would never need another car.

  2. Just out of curiosity, I checked the most popular TV shows of 1957:
    1. Gunsmoke (CBS)
    2. The Danny Thomas Show (CBS)
    3. Tales of Wells Fargo (NBC)
    4. Have Gun Will Travel (CBS)
    5. I’ve Got A Secret (CBS)
    6. The Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp (ABC)
    7. General Electric Theater (CBS)
    8. The Restless Gun (NBC)
    9. December Bride (CBS)
    10. You Bet Your Life (NBC)
    Sure were a lot of westerns.

  3. One of the parishes in our area just celebrated their 50th anniversary and were hoping to open their time capsule. Unfortunately, those who buried it have died, no documentation exists, and the thing is supposedly made of concrete.

  4. Re: cigarettes, I say good riddance to things that kill you.
    If you smoke too many of them, yes. That is why we cultivate the virtue of temperance. But of course the Nanny State hates natural virtues because they imply that people are actual free human beings rather than livestock. So we get goofy arguments that imply that if anyone takes one puff of a cigarette it will kill everyone within a five-mile radius. It has been especially disheartening to watch Catholics jump on the bandwagon of the neo-pagan goddess Therapeutica.

  5. I know that the 5-6 cigars that I smoke every year were seen as the cause of scandal among some evangelical friends on one occasion.
    Protestants don’t have mortal sins, but to many, smoking and drinking is a tell-tale sign that you aren’t saved.
    Which raises an interesting question. Catholics have mortal vs. venial sins. Protestants deny a dichotomy, but they definitely categorize sins into two categories: sins that saved folks might still commit, and sins that, if committed, indicate that you were never saved in the first place.
    The end result is the same, of course, and many sins (abortion, murder, etc) are regarded in similar ways by both communities. In essense then, I do think that many Protestants, despite what they may say, do recognize a dichotomy between venial and mortal sin.
    But that’s completely off topic.

  6. I think bobby pins are just as evil as cigarrettes, and surely people who use them are not saved! Repent, Louise! 🙂

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  8. I still believe in live and let live.If you want to smoke ,smoke its your choice,you want to drive a truck that gets 5 mpg drive it.Some people should just stop worrying what else everybody else is doing and live…..P.S I would love to have that buried plymouth.So much better styling then other cars at the time…

  9. If anyone is wondering about putting unleaded gasoline in the 1957 Plymouth, no problem. There’s a product that’s a liquid lead, and you add it to the unleaded gas after you “fill ‘er up.”

  10. What is the 45 music record of that was in the capsule. It kind of looks like “riding into tulsa” but not sure…..anyone help…

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