American Papist needs your vote

How many times in the last several weeks and months have posts here at JA.o been obliged to the tireless and insightful work of Thomas Peters, the American Papist? Most recently it was this morning. Anyway, I’ve lost track.

At any rate, canonist Ed Peters’ son does good and valuable work. His contribution to the blogosphere is remarkable, and I think he deserves to win the 2008 Blogging Scholarship. AmP is one of 20 finalists, and apparently there is $10,000 in scholarship money at stake.

Tom, who is studying at the Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception, wants your vote. Last year, apparently, he came in fourth, at a time when he says he had a fraction of the readership he does now. I’m sure he could use the money to help pay off student loans.

Currently, according to the website, Tom is running second to some guy who does a sports blog. I’m sure it’s a very good sports blog, but come on. Let’s put American Papist over the top. Go vote — and leave a comment. Here’s what I wrote:

As a writing professional and journalist, I find Thomas Peters’
formidable contribution to online commentary on politics and culture as
well as religion all the more impressive in view of his age. He writes
with remarkable maturity and insight, and his hard work and shrewd
judgment have earned his blog destination/reference status among older
and seasoned bloggers and writing professionals. His new AmP NEWS video
blogging initiative only raises the bar. A more deserving student
blogger is hard for me to imagine.

VOTE FOR THOMAS PETERS NOW. And if you have a blog or another way to pass it on… pass it on.

10 thoughts on “American Papist needs your vote”

  1. I went to the website and couldn’t find anywhere to actually vote, just a list of names and the vote tally. Help!

  2. Robert, are you on a shared computer? If someone has already voted from your IP address it won’t let you vote again – it just takes you to the results page as you described.

  3. Yes, it is a darn good sports blog, and I originally heard about this vote from that site. But I voted for Tom anyway.

  4. I can’t believe I didn’t make the biological connection between Ed Peters and Tom Peters…
    Onward Christian soldier. You have my vote.

  5. I can’t believe I didn’t make the biological connection between Ed Peters and Tom Peters…

    Yes, however AFAIK First Things blogger Nathaniel Peters is no relation?

  6. And just to make things more confusing, guess what is my confirmation name. There’s also a Thomas C. Peters who used to write for Gilbert! Magazine, and another Edward Peters who’s a medieval historian. It wouldn’t be so bad except that related or unrelated, we write in similar fields.

  7. AmP is Ed Peter’s boy?
    I had no idea. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, eh? You can be proud.
    I voted! Looks like he’s got some stiff competition, though. Ya’ll go vote!

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