Lessons From Purim

It is Holy Week for Christians; but for Jews it is nearly Purim.  Thursday will be a fast day in commemoration of Esther’s fast (cf. Esther 4:16) and Friday will be the feast of Purim, which honors the Jews’ deliverance from the deadly plans of Haman.  Just as pro-life Christians have been seeing a parallel to the events of Holy Week in the Terri Schiavo case, so pro-life Jews are seeing a parallel to Purim:

"The [Purim] story recounts how an evil man named Haman sought to kill all the Jews. But through communal prayer, fasting and the heroic acts of Queen Esther, the plot was exposed and counteracted. In a divine turn of events, it was the evil Haman who was killed. The Jews who had been marked for death were now free to protect themselves and live!

"The significance of this is not lost to me as it relates to the Schiavo case, the result of which will affect the disabled community, and all people. We see an important message for us in these days in Esther chapter 4 verse 14:

"13. And Mordecai ordered to reply to Esther, ‘Do not imagine to yourself that you will escape in the king’s house from among all the Jews.

"14. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and rescue will arise for the Jews from elsewhere, and you and your father’s household will perish; and who knows whether at a time like this you will attain the kingdom?’

"Like Esther, each of us has been placed in a unique position so that we can help bring good out of even the most evil of situations. God only asks that we do our part. Ultimately, He takes care of the rest."


(Nod to Kathy Shaidle of Relapsed Catholic for the link.)

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